Friday, October 8, 2010

The First Entry

Soooooo, it looks like everyone and their brother has a blog; yes including my brother! So I have decided to do the unimaginable: start a blog! Oh wait, just kidding. I have Facebook and it does almost exactly what a blog does right?! But I guess this allows me to actually write entries rather then "updates" and only those who really love me or are a true friend will check it out. Am I gonna be hurt when I look at the counter of people who have looked at my blog and see only 3 people have visited it? Or will you guys promise to check it out like 2 or 3 times a day to make me feel better about myself?!! You better! I will hold you all responsible if I take my life because my counter says 10 after 2 months!! Well, as my first entry, it was pretty boring. But I promise it will be more entertaining as time goes on. Look for updates from my first trip to Sedona this weekend!!!

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