Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Exciting news!....

So it's been brought to my attention I haven't blogged in probably 2 years.. oops! My sister and sister-in-law have told me I need to update it and keep ya'll informed of what's been going on in my life. Well I usually would say, "same shit different day," however, I have some exciting news: I'M PREGNANT and it's a BOY!!!!!! To say the least, it was a surprise, but such an amazing surprise someone had in store for us. I've always wanted to be a Mom but thought since I had twin nieces and a nephew, I could handle just babysitting and giving them back like any regular selfish person would think. Don't have to worry about the expenses, staying up all night, letting my nipples get ripped apart by a baby, ya know, those kind of things. So I had shared this over dinner with my family and they all rolled their eyes at me and said you'll have a baby when the time is right. Well they knew something because about a month later we found out I was pregnant. Now not planning it made the reveal so much more "emotional" to say the least. Being on birth control, you pretty much start and stop your period the same days, give or take a day or two. But I did miss here and there and "doubled up" on pills a few days, which I have done before, and thought nothing of it. Well day 1 of what should have been the sea of red coming, nothing.... I told my BFF Jayme and we were just saying things like "maybe it's stress, eating habits, or whatever.".... So a few more days went by and it was July 3rd, 4 days late! So I knew something weird was going on. I told Kenny that night that I was late and it was a bit of a freak out. We had went to dinner and stopped by Target for a pregnancy test. Jayme told me to wait until the morning to take it because the reading would be better, but I needed to know ASAP! So we took it, set it on the counter, with Kenny looking over it like a hawk. I told him it's going to take a few minutes so he finally tried to be "busy" doing something. I walked by a few minutes later, looked down, really expecting it to say not pregnant, but there it was... clear as could be.. PREGNANT! Kenny and I looked at each other and I just started crying. I always wanted to be married first and wanted it to be different, but as I've been told, everyone has a plan waiting for them to follow. Kenny made sure I was ok after he digested the news and came over and rubbed my back and told me everything was going to be fine. And it will be, as I soon learned. So to say the least, these last 6 months have been exciting, scary, and emotional for the DeLeon/Wells household, but we seriuosly couldn't be any happier... well besides a ring of course LOL......

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