Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kruse

Over the past weekend, we went to yet another beautiful outdoor wedding. This time we were celebrating Alicia and Mike's beautiful vows. Hands down, one of the most elaborate, well thought out wedding I've been to. First, the party met at Noah's in Chandler to get loaded onto the party buses to be driven to the Superstition Mountains, where the ceremony was being held. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BACKDROP EVER!! The clouds were looming and we were all scared it was going to rain during the ceremony. Funny enough, the only time it rained was when Alicia was walking down the aisle. Not when the bridesmaid's were walking, but as soon as the music turned on for her, it started sprinkling. It stopped once she got to Mike but then started again only when Alicia was saying her vows. I'd say some good luck is in store for her. After, we loaded back onto the party bus and headed back to Noah's. There we ate, drank, and celebrated the happy bride and groom. It was beautiful, fun, and expensive!! One of the funnest parts was going into the photo booth, taking funny pictures. What a great night! Congratulations Alicia and Mike!!

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