Over the last weekend, we had a lot going on. Friday started with a Diamondback's game w/ Holly, myself, Kenny, and Chad. Holly got some free tickets from work so we jumped on the chance and enjoyed ourselves. Jen so happens to work at one of the bars at Chase field so we were able to stop by and say hi and get a few free beers.. but shhhhh! Saturday was jam packed! We woke up and went to Kenny's family's BBQ in South Phoenix. It was hot but tolerable. Isaac was a hit! It was good to show him off and visit with Kenny's family. After we went home and got ready for a Beer Exchange party hosted by Jayme and Mac. It was so much fun! Everyone brought a 6 pack to exchange with others and their beers. This would be so much fun to do annually! They had a TON of beer left over so Kenny got lucky and was able to take a few 6 packs home on Sunday. It seems like our weekends are always busy with no time to spare.
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