Wednesday, August 7, 2013

5 months old!

Isaac is 5 months old! He is getting so big! I love all the new things he does. He loves to grab his feet and try to put them in his mouth. He loves to lay on the floor and roll around and play with his toys. He gives kisses by grabbing your face and puling it towards him; so cute! He tries to talk. He started shaking his head no, which just started this weekend. He's eating 5-6 oz every 3 hours and only gets up once through the night for a small feeding; usually 2-4 oz. He's a good sleeper. We usually put him down between 6-7 and doesn't wake for a bottle til around 2 and then again around 5:30. He started daycare last week and is doing good. He's still making adjustments but doing good. He LOVES the pool and taking a bath. It's his favorite!! Overall, my baby boy is growing and couldn't be any cuter!

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