Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Half Birthday Izzy!

Isaac is 6 months old! I can't believe how fast time is flying. He has changed so much over this first half year! He rolls over like no one's business, loves bath time (he's found his penis and plays with it all the time), eats veggies every day, laughs and giggles, grabs your face to give you kisses, and sleeps well at night (either 8 hrs and eat, back to sleep for 4 more or even 12 hrs straight!). He did get his first Urgent Care visit but it was just for Pink Eye that he got from day care. We caught it super early so it never was bad. He is working on sitting by himself. He usually does good for a few seconds and then reaches for something and crashes over. He loves to jump in his exersaucer. One of his favorite things to do. He is still eating around 6 oz average every 4 hours but now that he takes veggies mid morning, so his bottle after is usually only 3 oz. We started fruits yesterday (bananas) and will continue to introduce more as the weeks go on. He's still teething but no teeth have popped up yet. I bet we'll see one in the next month. He is such a happy baby. He pretty much never cries and if he does its more of a whine and its because he needs to sleep or needs a bottle. He weighed 17 lbs 6 oz (68th percentile), 27 inches long (82nd percentile) and head circumference was in the 25th percentile. I couldn't have asked for a better little boy than Isaac!!

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