Tuesday, October 15, 2013

7 Months!!

Izzy Bear is 7 months old! He is getting big in a hurry! He still needs to get up one time during the night to eat, I think more out of habit than a need. But I'm more than happy, Kenny not so much, to wake up to his little whimper. He still has not cut a tooth or has not showed many signs of crawling yet. He has on occasion, got his knees up but then would fall down. He's a good eater: 6-8 oz every 4 hours and 2 cans of baby food a day. I'm going to try and up it to 3 but not sure how that'll go. He loves it, but normally only needs a bottle before bed after I pick him up from daycare. He still loves daycare but of course is congested every other week. Nothing too bad but can tell he is uncomfortable. Other than that he has been doing great! Happy as can be!

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