Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"I'm comig home, I'm coming home!"

Kenny's older brother, Omar, was released from prison on Friday. Kenny and his Dad took the drive down to Douglas and picked him up. The first thing he wanted to do after 9 years was get a driver's license and eat drive thru: Burger King. After, they stopped and got him a phone. He even got a smart phone, a little smarter than him, as he hasn't seen or used this technology EVER! Ha ha.. He is adjusting well and is enjoying his time out. Friday night we went out to dinner at Lucille's at Tempe Market Place with some of their family. It was a good night. Saturday, we went and watched Kenny's nephew play football and then had them over to Stacy's to watch, more so talk not about football, the ASU game. Good times! Hope Omar can continue to do well and be successful.

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