Thursday, November 14, 2013

8 Months!

Isaac's 8 months! Time is sure flying! Little Izzy Bear is growing fast! He's now crawling like a mad man. It's an army crawl but a fast one. He still has not cut his first tooth! He loves his fruits and veggies (2x a day) and not a big bottle eater except in the morning and before bed. I am going to try and give him more baby food since he seems to enjoy that a lot. I haven't weighed him but I'm sure he's close to 22 pounds and is very long (I'll try to do some ghetto measurements today). He is still getting up once a night to eat and sometimes and additional time for his paci and possibly a trip to come snuggle in bed. He says "MAMA" all the time. It's adorable. He loves to wave at people and gives Papa high fives. He is learning so much and can't wait to see what's in store for us before his 1st birthday!

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