Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas 2013

This Christmas was one for the record's! It was so much more fun having Isaac and being able to see him actually enjoy looking and opening presents. We woke up around 7:30 and opened our presents from Santa. Isaac got lots of toys and clothes. We then headed over to my parents, where again, he was spoiled! He got a Jeep truck that he loves and sits on it all the time. After, we walked over to my grandparent's house where we ate breakfast and did our gift exchange. We got good gifts this year! Woo hoo! After we headed home to change and then jetted to Kenny's sister's to drop of Kai's and Javon's gifts. We stayed only for a couple of minutes because we then had to drive all the way to Laveen to see his extended family at his Aunt's house. Again, we didn't stay too long because we had to go home, cook mac and cheese and get to Stacy's for Christmas dinner. We were nealry an hour late but better then not showing up. There we ate, talked, drank, and watched Ava and Adisyn open up our gifts to them. They loved their dolls and clothes. It was a jam packed day and FLEW by. Can't believe it's already over!

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