Sunday, November 25, 2012


Ava and Adisyn standing by Santa

Turkey Trot

Dinner by the fire

Thanksgiving dinner

Christmas season has arrived
Another Thanksgiving, another reason to be thankful! Kenny and I couldn't be any more thankful to have a healthy baby boy on his way! We have had great support and love from all of our family and friends. I decorated early on Wednesday since I was off work and cooked 2 pies! Yes, I, cooked 2 pies! Pumpkin and Pecan and they both turned out delicious! Thursday morning, I woke up and went on the 1st, soon to be annual, Turkey Trot my sister put together. We donated $5 that Stacy will use for Christmas Angels. I think she said she got $95!! GOOD JOB!! When I came home Kenny and I put up the Christmas lights and then showered and headed over to my parent's for dinner. As always, great food and great company! We were too stuffed to go anywhere else but back home to watch TV and go to bed. Friday, Kenny, Draco, and I headed up north to the cabin. It was a much need relaxation time for us all. We loved every minute of the beautiful weather!! We came back Sunday and went over to my parent's to watch the Cardinal's play and eat. When we pulled up, we saw the humungous blow up Santa my Dad bought. Pretty awesome!

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