Monday, December 10, 2012

Cabin & Beer

Pizza and Beer

Pinetop Brewing Company

Beer that foamed out of the carboy onto the carpet

Beer that shot to the ceiling
2 weeks ago, my parents, the Mealey's and myself and Kenny went up to the cabin to get away from the Phoenix heat. It was a very relaxing weekend, watching TV, sitting by the fire, and eating some good food. Saturday night, we decided to hit up the local brewery, Pinetop Brewing Company. It has a very cool atmosphere but I felt there wasn't much to look at. They only had one TV, which we all know, at a brewery you're gonna need some more to keep the sports fans happy. We're hoping they get more in the others room they have. Stacy, Dylan, Kenny, and Dad all drank their beer but were very disappointed. The most common thing they said was that it tasted like it had not aged long enough and tasted like watered down beer. No one could get a buzz, even Kenny and Dylan after 6 or so beers; not typical with home brews!! So let's just say we were not too pleased with the beers. They had a pizza joint next door which we walked over and ordered for dinner. Again, it was ok; nothing fabulous! I think we are clinging to the hope they can get their stuff together because it would be very cool to have a brew company up there that we can frequent. Speaking of beer... Kenny started brewing a triple 3 weeks ago. Everything was looking good but he noticed his gravity testing was lower than normal... boo since this is supposed to be 9.5% alcoholic beer!! Monday night, while cooking dinner, Kenny went to go check on his "baby." He came back and said "You're not going to be happy!" I was like, oh great; what happened?! The beer literally blew up and got everywhere! On the ceiling, the walls, the floor, EVERYWHERE!!! I spent a good 30 minute washing the walls and Kenny spent another 30 minutes cleaning the ceiling and the carpet. This beer better be worth it :)

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