Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Molly's Dirty 30

Kenny doing his silly bowl

Dad trying to go between his legs

Kenny actually won a game!

Nice form!

Happy birthday Molly!!
Well it wasn't very dirty but we did celebrate Molly's 30th birthday over the past weekend. She had it at AMC Bowling which was what I've been wanting to do for such a long time! It was fun watching people bowl since I wasn't able to :(  They had pizza and cake, which was very yummy. Boys and girls filled and refilled with beers the entire night which led to some high scores and some low scores overall. The team I was watching was the DeLeon/Mealey/Wells/Kruse team. Overall, my Mom beat everyone! Maybe the no drinking helped?! But Kenny did win one game and he was very proud of himself. It was really funny to watch my Dad as he had every excuse as to why he wasn't winning LOL

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