Monday, March 11, 2013

Isaac Kamar Wells

Isaac finally arrived on March 7, 2013 at 3:23 am weighing 6 pounds 7 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long. He is just so perfect! It all started on Tuesday around noon when I felt the first contraction (slight cramp) and it happened about every 4-5 hours. Nothing big. During the night, I woke up at midnight with more contractions, a little stronger. I thought I could still go in to work, but Kenny made the "executive" decision I shouldn't. So we both took Wednesday off. Then then contractions started getting closer together and were much stronger than the day before. Around 2 pm, I finally decided it was time, as the contractions were coming every 5-10 minutes and I had to go the breathing techniques to keep it together. We got checked in to the hospital and of course the contractions slowed way down. But we found out I was 4 cm dilated, but since the contractions were not progressing the dilation, they sent me home. But when I got home the contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and extremely painful. I could not stand it any longer. I didn't want to go back to the hospital so soon, but I knew we had to go. Right as we got ready to go, I felt my water break; perfect timing. They checked me back in and I was 5 1/2 cm dilated. Since my water broke they admitted me and started the process of getting me up to get the epideral. I was very nervous about getting it and there was reason for it; it hurt like hell. Very uncomfortable and scary! But he got it done and I felt much much better! They began monitoring my contractions and noticed when I had one, Isaac's heart rate would drop, so we tried numerous things to try and get him stable. I wore an oxygen mask the entire time, had me roll on to my sides every hour or so, which helped a little but not enough. They thought they might have to do a c-section if the next thing didn't work/ They put a monitor actual inside of me right next to Isaac, and it worked! They were able to maintain his heart rate :) We were up in delivery for about 5 hours and then it was finally time to push! It took me only 30 minutes and he was out! The nurses and doctor were surprised how well and fast things went. The remaining stay was exactly like my pregnancy; easy! Isaac was able to latch right away, after a few lessons and help from the nurse, and I did not have to take any pain medication after labor. Everyone could not believe how well I did and was doing for a first timer!!

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