Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Cabin Trip & Easter

 Last weekend we decided to take Isaac on his first trip; to the cabin! It was a lot of fun. My sister and her family went up Wednesday night and my parents went up Thursday night. Kenny was able to take a half day so we left Friday afternoon. Isaac was a good traveler; he slept the entire way up! Molly and her family came up later that night. Three babies in one house for an entire weekend! It actually went very well. The highlight of the weekend was Dylan's and Kenny's BB guns. They probably shot those guns for over 4 hours Saturday. It kept them entertained! It was a great weekend with great people! The following weekend was Easter. Friday we went over to my sister's house to paint eggs. Sam didn't quite understand the whole process but loved banging the eggs together in his hands. Stacy made carnitas for everyone which was, as usual, delicious! As tradition for Easter my grandma started "Easter in the Park." Grandma makes ham and everybody brings a side dish and we get our grub on. It's so funny how the highlight of the day is always around what the little kids are doing. But again, it was fun and entertaining.
Dylan aiming for the target
Daddy feeding the growing boy!

Getting the eggs ready

Nana helping Sam dye 

Granddad and Sam


Next Top Shot contestant
Nana keeping Isaac safe from the sun


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