Saturday, June 8, 2013

3 Months Old!

Isaac is 3 months old! I can't believe it. Times is going way too fast. All I keep thinking about is how I only have 2 months left with my baby before he has to go to daycare and I have to go back to work! So I better get in as many snuggles, kisses, cuddles, and naps as I can. Over the last month, Kenny and I have noticed so many new things Isaac can do. He can now sit up and hold his head up for a really long time. We practice with him sitting in the Bumbo and on my lap. He also has discovered his hands. He wants to help feed himself by holding on to the bottle which is so cute. He also loves to touch our faces when we're holding him. It's so ADORABLE! He wants to eat ALL the time. We were feeding him 4 oz every 3 hours, but I just yesterday started to give him 5 oz. Hopefully he'll stay full longer and take longer naps. Speaking of naps, the only time he takes a considerable nap is if Kenny or I are holding him; he'll sleep a good 1-3 hours that way.. but if I want to get things done around the house, I'll try to lay him down in his Pack-and-Play, but those naps last 15-20 minutes tops! It's super frustrating because I can't get much done around the house. I need to try better at it or else daycare is going to be rough for him! He also has developed a HATE relationship with his car seat! He now cries the entire way to and from wherever we go. I try to time it around his nap time but that rarely works out. I bought a little fan, which keeps him cooler, which I thought was the problem, and attached some toys, but it doesn't really help. I thank GOD when I can make it 10 minutes before he's screaming bloody murder. I sure hope that gets better!! But I love my little "Bubbacito" with everything I've got! We didn't have a 3 month check up so I don't have any measurements.

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