Sunday, July 7, 2013

4 Months Old

Isaac is now 4 months old! He's getting bigger and bigger every day! He's now eating 6 oz every 3 hours and has started to eat rice cereal. We tried it the first time as you have seen below and we have continued it. He likes it ALOT and is always leaning in to eat it. He has started to get back to his regular sleeping habits, which is awesome but he still insists on sleeping with us after he wakes up around 5am. He's talking all the time, kicking his feet like crazy, and smiles at everything. He is super clingy to Kenny and I so I hope he will be able to transition to daycare without too many problems. I've also found a position to lay Isaac down so I do not have to hold him the entire length of his naps! It's fantastic! I can finally get some things done around the house! He weighs 14 lbs 11oz (34th percentile), length 25 1/4 (48th percentile) and head circumference is 25th percentile.

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