Monday, July 8, 2013

4th of July Weekend

For the 4th of July weekend, we headed up to the cool weather in Show Low. I headed up early with my parents, Isaac, and Draco Tuesday night. Wednesday we went out to breakfast and sat outside to soak up the cool weather. It was a bit chilly but worth it. We needed a few things so we went to WalMart. I told my Dad he needed to check out the TV's because he's been wanted to replace the old TV for awhile now. He came back without one so I basically convinced him he needed the TV NOW! so we went back to electronics and picked up a 55"! The picture is so nice and so much easier to see. However, he had to take out a shelf from the entertainment unit which meant a lot of noise, which also meant Isaac took little to no naps. He was one cranky boy that night but went to sleep early because of it. Everyone showed up that night and we just hung out at home. On the 4th we headed to the parade. I was for sure thinking this was going to be extremely boring but it was actually awesome! The kids loved it because people would throw candy out of their floats or cars and the kids could run and get it. So cute to watch. That night we drank some beers, played with sparklers, and watched the fireworks from the hill in the front yard. Friday we stayed at home and enjoyed the rain on the patio. Much needed down time and I got to take a long nap with Isaac :)  Saturday we went to Charlie Clark's for their arts and crafts festival. We didn't really look at any of the booths but enjoyed the beers from the outside bar. The weather was amazing and the live band wasn't too bad either. On the way home it rained pretty hard which was funny because Shawn, Shannon, and Kenny were sitting in the back of the truck and got soaked! All of us inside couldn't stop laughing. We ended the night again with beers and the patio. Sunday we headed back home. It was a great trip with the family!

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