Friday, January 10, 2014

10 Months!

He's 10 months! And he's a mover and a shaker! He's always on the move. He crawls at top speed and tries to climb up on everything, including Draco. He will stand by pulling himself up but has not tried to take any steps by himself yet. He has a walker but he usually only take a few steps before he falls and goes back to crawling. He is a BIG eater. He wants to eat everything he sees. He is still getting a bottle at 8, fruit at 10, bottle at noon, veggie at 2, bottle at 4, dinner and snacks at 6, and bottle around 7:30. So as you can see, it's ALL the time. Whenever Kenny and I are eating, he crawls up to us and begs for some of it. He's tried almost everything we have eaten. Just yesterday I gave him a Gogurt and he LOVED it! We are going to try and expand what he eats and get him ready for big kid food! He has also graduated out of the baby tub and into the regular tub. He loves bath time and now that he has the entire tub to himself with toys, he's in heaven. I'm going to try and work with him a lot on the whole walking part. As for teeth, he still only has the bottom two but I'm thinking by 11 months he might have some top teeth coming through. He's been teething pretty good here the last week or so but nothing has popped out. He's still happy as can be. He loves to wave bye bye, clapping when he sees or hears other people clap, high fives, hugs, and open mouth kisses. He also loves to pull my hair. He thinks it's hilarious! I'm looking forward to these next few months and his first birthday right around the corner!
The big tub all to himself

Draco wanted to give Isaac kisses on his 10 month bday

He's so adorable in hats!

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