Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I usually do not make any resolutions since I normally do not follow through with them. However, I think I have a lot to gain if I set some goals and really try to accomplish them. In no particular order:

1. Lose weight: I was at my heaviest when I had Isaac, so you can just imagine after putting on 50 lbs what it did to my body. I always make excuses, so I need to STOP doing that and get healthy for my little boy and myself.
2. Looking at new houses: I love the house I'm in, don't get me wrong, but I have always wanted a fixer-upper. I want to put my personal touches on each room and see the transformations. As Isaac gets older, I want to have a back yard he can actually play in and a yard Draco can run around in. Our house now is big enough (4bdrs) but it's not the open living space I truly want.
3. Get engaged! I should have put this at #1 (even though it's in no particular order!). I was promised by the end of 2013 I'd have a ring on my finger, but obviously that didn't happen. To say the least I was disappointed. I'm really hoping Kenny can get his SHIT (oops did I say that) together! He he.. maybe he's saving for a HUGE ring?! Yeah right......
4. Dress better: I get in to a bad habit of looking like crap nearly 24/7. Even at work. Yesterday, first day back to work of 2014, I was actually complimented on my look and was even told "you look like a model"! Nice! Maybe a Lane Bryant model but hey I gotta start somewhere! So it motivated me to wake up earlier (5:15) and actually do my hair and pick an outfit that looks professional. On the weekends, I also want to get out of the pants and a sweatshirt mode. Still pants but at least a nice shirt or some earrings or something!
5. Dates: Kenny and I hardly ever go out on dates any more. We need to reignite the "candle of love". We tend to do a lot of things with my parents and my friends (which is totally ok but we need some us time too). I think trying to do a date night once a month is a good goal.
6.  Get artsy!: I actually LOVE to do crafts. A few of my co-workers and I already get together to do "crafts" once a month (more like eat, drink, and if there's time, do a craft) but hey, it's a start. I want to try and put more of a personal touch on our house. I even want to learn how to sew. Who would have guessed!

I think that is a good start for someone who usually doesn't do resolutions! We'll see how it goes!

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