Monday, March 17, 2014

Isaac's One!!

My little baby turned 1! I can't believe it! This first year has flown by. He has done so many things over the past month, it reminds me he is no longer a baby but a toddler. He still does not walk on his own but will stand without any support for awhile before he falls down and crawls. He will walk with someone holding his hands and will take a few steps on his own before he goes down. He has 6 teeth and he sure knows how to use them! He eats ALOT! He will eat as much as we give me so we have to watch how much we actually put on his plate. We switched the cows milk but his body didn't react well to it so we had to witch back to formula until he's 15 months, per the doctor. He still loves to wave, hug, kiss, and say words. He has learned outside and cheese. He has said both of these perfectly a few times. He weighed in at 21lbs 15 ounces (34th percentile), 30.5 inches tall (67th percentile) and was 50th for head circumference. I know he will be walking shortly and that will be fun and scary all in one! I love him to pieces! I couldn't ask for a better boy!

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