Thursday, February 20, 2014

Once meses!

He is 11 months! He now has 4 teeth! The top ones finally pulled through. Now he thinks he needs to bite EVERYTHING!! He doesn't do it to be mean but wants to try them out on everything and anyone he sees. He still is a big eater. Daycare always jokes with me and are astonished at how much food he can put away! He is still only getting 2-3 bottles a day and eating a real lunch and dinner with snacks in between. He goes to bed easily with a paci and some rocking. He is still in our room in the pack and play but as soon as he hits 1- he's outta there! He sleeps well and usually wakes up once to get brought in to bed with us. I noticed that if I put more blankets and a small pillow in with him with the fan on, he sleeps 5 out of the 7 nights (usually) without waking up... unless he's teething. He loves Wheel of Fortune, obviously because they clap ALL THE TIME!! He will sit and eat dinner with us and watch the TV for a good majority of the time. He still has not shown much interest in walking yet but we have caught him a few times stand without being supported by a chair or the couch. So hopefully it'll be soon! One more month and he's 1!! I can't believe it!!

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